As a new kitesurfer it can be a bit of a jungle to find out what kitesurfing equipment you need to be able to kitesurf independently. Follow this kitesurfing equipment guide and find out what you need!

What equipment do I need to kitesurf?
The kite is the kite with which you surf. A kite comes in different sizes and shapes, which are worth considering before buying your first kite. For example, weight and wind strength affect the size of the kite, while different shapes offer different characteristics. This is why many kiteboarders choose to have more than one guide, so they can more easily adapt to weather conditions and develop in different directions depending on the shape of the kite.
The board is the sailboard you stand on when kitesurfing. In general, it is recommended to use a board between 134-145 cm in length and 35-45 cm in width. Many beginners start with a big board as it's easier to kitesurf with. However, if you just buy a board within the given measurements, you can easily use your board once you get really good!
When choosing a bar, it is important to buy the size that fits your kite. A small kite needs a small bar and a big kite needs a big bar. A small bar will make your turns and turns faster, while a bigger bar will make them slower. Both are equally good, as it depends a lot on what riding style you want to surf with.
When kitesurfing in Denmark, a wetsuit is essential. We recommend that you buy a proper suit that suits both the season and the conditions you are kitesurfing in. As a rule of thumb, a good wetsuit has a thickness of 5/3 mm, which means that the suit is 5 mm thick on the body and 3 mm in the legs and arms. This thickness is important to keep you warm on the water. In addition, it is also important to consider the fit and material when buying a wetsuit, as you want a wetsuit with good mobility and flexibility.
Shoes not only keep your feet warm when kitesurfing, they also protect against rocks and mussels, which are abundant in many spots in Denmark. As a beginner, you spend a lot of time on the sandy bottom and therefore experience the sharp surface in particular. That's why we recommend that you get a pair of kitesurfing shoes.
Although it is not a legal requirement to wear a vest when kitesurfing, we always recommend that you do! The vest is first and foremost there to protect you in case of an accident, if you are suddenly too exhausted, or if you get injured and the shore is too far away. In addition, the vest also protects you from impacts from the water when you fall. If you have an accident insurance policy, it will also not cover you if you do not wear a vest.
Just like with vests, helmets are also not mandatory by law to wear while kitesurfing, but we also always recommend it! There will always be a risk of hitting your head on the board, big rocks or colliding with other kitesurfers. We recommend that you buy a helmet that is dedicated to water sports so that the inside of the helmet does not absorb water or become uncomfortable.
As you may remember from your kitesurfing course, you can't do without the trapeze when buying your kitesurfing equipment. The trapeze is the harness with back support that you wear around your waist and to which the kite is hooked. While it might feel uncomfortable to have the kite strapped to your waist in this way, all modern kitesurfing equipment has the necessary safety mechanisms to allow you to easily and quickly detach yourself from the trapeze.
Did you know that?
As a member of Kitekollektivet you can get a 15% discount on all kitesurfing equipment at or get your entire course at a discount when buying a kitesurf package.
Learn everything you need to know about conditions in Denmark in the post: Kitesurfing in Denmark.