Feel the fresh air, water & togetherness


By kitesurfers, for kitesurfers

Kitesurfing at Kitekollektivet

Velkommen til vores side for kitesurf kurser. Her finder du alle vores forskellige Kitesurf kursus-tilbud, booking samt FAQ.

Kitesurfing is a fast-growing sport in Denmark that will put a smile on your face and a sweat on your brow. 

Kitesurfing lessons take place on flat water with a sandy bottom where you can bottom anywhere. This gives you the best conditions to get started quickly and safely. 

At Kitekollektivet you can choose between four types of kitesurfing courses - trial, private, buddy and team courses.

kollektivet-Gruppe billede
kite begynder på land

Get 3 hours on Amager

Examination course

A kitesurfing trial course is for those who are looking for a taste of kitesurfing. On a trial course, you'll have a fun experience where you'll get an insight into what kitesurfing is all about. You'll try out the basic techniques, try out a kite and be pulled through the water. However, don't expect to get on the board, as it usually requires 10 hours of lessons for beginners. A trial course is for 4-6 people. Bring your friends or meet other people who are also interested in trying kitesurfing!

Bemærk, at et kitesurf prøvekursus foreløbigt kun foregår på Amager.

Online theory folder

Joint instructor

All equipment included

100% wind guarantee

Price per person DKK 699,-

min. 4 participants

Vælg mellem 2, 3, 5, 8 eller 11 timers forløb

Private course

A private kitesurfing course is for those seeking maximum benefit and learning. Through effective 1:1 teaching and feedback from your own instructor, you will have the best opportunities to become an independent kitesurfer. 

The course is specifically tailored to your needs and level, so private lessons can help you achieve your goals, whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner.

Choose between a private course of 2, 3, 5, 8 or 11 hours. However, we recommend that beginners take an 11-hour course, as experience shows that it is only at this point that students become self-sufficient and get on the board. It typically takes 10-15 hours to learn to kitesurf.

Online theory folder

Private instructor

All equipment included

100% wind guarantee

Prices from DKK 1298,-

Kitesurf Kurser egnet til ethvert niveau

Amalie smiler på land
2 glade kursister smiler på land

Choose between a 3, 5, 8 or 11 hour course

Partner course

The buddy course is one of our most popular kitesurfing courses and is suitable for those who are looking for maximum benefit and learning in the company of someone else. The course offers the opportunity to motivate and learn from each other as you share a fun experience on the water with your instructor. The course is organized specifically according to your wishes and level. 

Choose between a buddy course of 3, 5, 8 or 11 hours. However, we recommend that beginners take an 11-hour course, as experience shows that it is only at this point that students become self-sufficient and get on the board. It typically takes 10-15 hours to learn to kitesurf. As the equipment for the course is chosen based on weight, we recommend that the weight difference between the participants does not exceed 15 kg, to ensure that both get optimal benefit from the lessons. 

Sign up with someone you know or let's find a partner for you!

Online theory folder

Private instructor

All equipment included

100% wind guarantee

Prices from DKK 999,-

Share the experience with a loved one

Choose between a 4, 6, 10 or 14 hour course

Group course

The group course is ideal for a handful of friends or family who enjoy having fun and being active together. This kitesurfing course offers the opportunity to motivate and learn from each other as you share a fun experience on the water with your instructor. The course is organized specifically according to your wishes and level. Whether you want a course or just to have a good day together, we tailor a program specifically for you. 

På vores hold kitesurf kurser er I 3-4 deltagere. På den måde sikrer vi, at I får den bedste oplevelse og det største udbytte ved at tage kurset hos os. Da udstyret til kurset bl.a. vælges ud fra vægt, anbefaler vi at vægtforskellen på deltagerne ikke overstiger 15 kg, for at sikre, at alle får et optimalt udbytte af undervisningen. 

Choose between a group course of 4, 6, 10 or 14 hours. However, we recommend that beginners take a 10 or 14 hour course, as experience shows that it is only then that students become self-sufficient and get on the board. It typically takes 10-15 hours to learn to kitesurf.

Online theory folder

Private instructor

All equipment included

100% wind guarantee

Priser fra DKK 2997,- (999,- Pr Person)

Strengthen the community with a great experience

Begynder gruppe træner på land

Kitekollektivets kitesurfing theory

Get ready for your kitesurfing course

If you have never tried kitesurfing before, you will need 2 hours of theory lessons in our surf center before your practical lessons on the water. It is an advantage if you have gone through our online theory folder beforehand.

Theory lessons at the surf center take place on Wednesdays from 19-21, so you can choose which day it suits you to attend.

The theory will prepare you to get on the water and here you will learn about wind and weather conditions, safety, preparation and packing of the kite, etc.

Have a great time!

Find a location near you

Here we have kitesurf courses

Equipment rental for Kitesurfing

Rental services

At Kitekollektivet you can also rent kitesurfing equipment, provided you are familiar with the sport and have taken an introductory course.

All equipment can only be rented at the Surf Center at Kalvebodvej 250, 2791 Dragør.

Terms and conditions
Rental equipment must be picked up and returned within the Surf Center's opening hours. The equipment must be returned dry and cleaned, if this is not the case, a service fee of DKK 150 will be charged.

Daily rental is valid for 24 hours. This means that if you rent the equipment on Wednesday at 16:00, it must be returned no later than Thursday at 16:00. Late returns will be invoiced for an extra day. 

Clothing 1 hour 2 hours 1 day 1 week
Wetsuit 5/3
Bundled package
Travel bag

Get the best kitesurf equipment

Shop at Kitekollektivet

Kitekollektivet and Kitesport.nu have joined forces to offer all the best from kite-, wind- and wing surfing as well as SUP. Therefore, you will find lots of quality equipment on both the webshop and in our physical store in Copenhagen Surfcenter.

We offer a service where it is possible for you to test different products on the water before you decide which kite equipment suits you best.

So if you are looking for some new kite, wind or wing equipment such as kite, sail, board, twintip, neoprene gloves, neoprene wetsuit, neoprene shoes, trapeze etc. please contact us.

Our shop
You will find our shop at the Surfcenter at Kalvebodvej 250, 2791 Dragør. Here you have the opportunity to try the equipment directly before you decide.

Find the equipment you need and have it sent directly to your home or to your nearest PO box. You get free shipping on purchases over 500,-.

Kent lille hop Eleveight

Learn more about Kitesurfing at Kitekollektivet


Kitekollektivet og vores Kitesurf kurser er for alle der har lyst til at kitesurfe. For at kunne deltage på vores hold-kurser skal du være fyldt 12 år og selv kunne svømme 200 meter med redningsvest på.

Kitekollektivet og vores kitesurf kurser er for alle der har lyst til at kitesurfe. 

We do not have an ambition to handle as many students as possible, but to teach everyone in our collective to windsurf safely and with maximum pleasure. Common to the courses is the ambition that everyone has a skilled starting point to stand on their own after completing the course. In Kitekollektivet we offer group and private courses. 

‍Privatkurser Det private kursus er til dig, der søger maksimalt udbytte og læring. Du vil få 1:1 undervisning af din instruktør, hvilket giver de bedste og hurtigste betingelser for at blive en selvstændig kitesurfer. Dette kursus hjælper dig til at nå dine mål, uanset om du er nybegynder eller øvet. 

Makkerkurser Makker kurset er en rigtig sjov måde at lære at kitesurfe på. Her vil I være to kursister og én instruktør. Du kan tilmelde dig med en du kender, eller vi sætter dig sammen med en anden, der ligeledes ønsker et makker-kursus. Der er mulighed for at dele tips og tricks med din makker og se hvordan hinanden gør, hvilket giver optimale vilkår for læring. ‍ 

Gruppekurser Er I en gruppe på 3-4 personer, der ønsker et forløb eller bare god og sjov dag sammen, så skræddersyr vi programmet specifikt til jer.

Ingen vind, intet kursus, ingen betaling. Kitesurfing kræver minimum 6 m/s og det giver ikke mening at undervise i mindre da dragerne ikke kan holde sig i luften. Som udgangspunkt regner vi altid med at dit kitekursus bliver til noget og vi kontakter dig 1-2 dage inden hvis det ikke er muligt. Du får herefter en mail med et link hvor du kan ombooke til en ny tid. 

Kitesurfing er en vindsport, så det kræver til tider et par bookinger eller tre før det lykkedes men nogle gange er man heldig!

If you book a course at a desired time during a period, you are reserving a date and a time, which will block other possible bookings. If you are unable to attend your booking, you must notify us as soon as possible so that we can fill your place. If you cancel less than 24 hours before the start of the course, we reserve the right to charge 50% of the course price as a fee. If you do not show up for the course at all, we charge 100% of the course price - however, this has rarely been used. We reserve the right to cancel and rebook according to weather conditions. weather conditions - you will always be notified by email.

Hvis du aldrig har prøvet kitesurf før, starter kurset altid på land. Vi afholder teori undervisning fast om onsdagen kl. 19 – 21. Her introduceres du til sporten, gennem går teori delen og få indsigt i det praktiske forløb. 

Herefter forgår resten af dit kursus på stranden hvor det er direkte i udstyret og ned på stranden og rigge til. Under tilrigningen får du en sikkerhedsbrief, og herefter kommer du ud i vandet. Ude i vandet starter du med helt basale øvelser og kitekontrol. Langsomt bevæger du dig over til mere actionpacked øvelser som bodydragging. Man har kun én kite oppe pr. instruktør, da det ikke er muligt at sende to nybegyndere ud med en kite hver og en instruktør til deling. To personer med hver sin kite kan dele en instruktør, så snart begge er gode nok. Tidshorisonten kan variere, men ligger typisk på 10 timer.

Når du er på kursus hos Kitekollektivet dækker vores forsikring tredjepart, såfremt du skulle være uheldig at ramme andre med udstyret. 

Vores forsikring dækker desværre ikke dig og det er derfor vigtigt, at du tjekker, om du har en forsikring, der dækker dig selv i tilfælde af skader/ulykke. Vi går meget op i sikkerheden, men anbefaler dig at tjekke det med din forsikring, inden du tager på kursus. Det stadig ikke er alle forsikringsselskaber der dækker kitesurfing i en almindelig ulykkesforsikring, da det kan gå ind under ekstremsport. 

Vi underviser som udgangspunkt på Amager, nær København. Følgende kitesport :  sydvestpynten eller cafe sylten. Det er begge begynderspot med de bedste forudsætninger for lære sporten, i trygge rammer.

The only thing you need to bring on our courses is a swimsuit & towel and clothes suitable for the weather conditions, as we start on land. In addition, we recommend that you bring some snacks and drinks and possibly sunscreen on hot days. 

There are changing rooms, showers and toilets at Copenhagen Surfcenter.

You must provide your own transport to the place of training.

Vi har mange års erfaring, i salg af udstyr til vores kursister. Vi har valgt åbne en fysisk butik, som lokaliseret nær danmarks største kitespot : Sydvestpynten. Her kan du blive vejlede i hvilken udstyr der passer dit niveau samt det danske klima.  

I altid velkommen til komme forbi Kalvebod vej 250, Dragør eller kig forbi vores webshop 


Skriv en mail til kontakt@kitekollektivet.dk med dine behov.

Private course

The course is organized according to your level and it is therefore possible to take the course regardless of your level.

If you have never tried kitesurfing before, you must choose a minimum of a 5-hour course, as this includes 2 hours of theory lessons, where you learn about wind conditions and safety. Theory lessons are scheduled once a week on a weekday at Copenhagen Surfcenter and you choose which day it suits you to take your theory lessons.

A 5-hour kitesurfing course is suitable for those who want to try kitesurfing for the first time and get a feel for the sport.

We recommend that you choose an 11 hour course as you will get 9 hours on the water and 2 hours of theory. This way you get the best experience and start to become an independent kitesurfer. 

If you have tried kitesurfing before and just need a refresher on safety and how the equipment works after a longer break from the sport, you can choose a 2 or 3 hour course without theory lessons. However, if it has been a long time since you have kitesurfed, we recommend that you choose a 5-hour course with theory lessons so that you are completely ready to stand on your own two feet.

All kitesurfing courses include an online theory folder, your own instructor and all the necessary equipment to ensure you are as well equipped as possible to become an independent kitesurfer. 

An 11 hour course also includes the Kitekollektiv t-shirt, a year membership of Kitekollektivet and discounts on kitesurfing equipment. Whether you choose an 8 or 11 hour kitesurfing course, you can get up to the full price of the course at a discount when buying equipment here. When purchasing the course, you will receive a discount code which can be used to order your equipment via the link.

An 11-hour course for a beginner would typically look something like the following:

Partner course

The course is specifically organized according to the individual's wishes and needs and therefore the course is suitable for both beginners and advanced students.

If you have never tried kitesurfing before, you should choose a minimum of a 5-hour course, as this includes 2 hours of theory lessons, where you will learn about wind conditions and safety. Theory lessons are scheduled once a week on a weekday at Copenhagen Surfcenter and you choose which day it suits you to take your theory lessons.

A 5-hour kitesurfing course is suitable for those who want to try kitesurfing for the first time and get a feel for the sport. 

We recommend that you choose an 11 hour course as you will get 9 hours on the water and 2 hours of theory. This way you get the best experience and start to become an independent kitesurfer. 

If you have tried kitesurfing before and just need a refresher on safety and how the equipment works after a longer break from the sport, you can choose a 3-hour course without theory lessons. However, if it has been a long time since you have kitesurfed, we recommend that you choose a 5-hour course with theory lessons so that you are completely ready to stand on your own two feet.

All kitesurfing courses include an online theory folder, a shared instructor with you and your partner, and all the necessary equipment to ensure you are as well equipped as possible to become an independent kitesurfer. 

An 11-hour course also includes the Kitekollektiv t-shirt, an annual membership of Kitekollektivet and discounts on the purchase of kitesurfing equipment. Whether you choose an 8 or 11 hour kitesurfing course, you can get a discount of up to the full price of the course when you buy equipment here. When purchasing the course, you will receive the discount code, which you can use to order equipment via the link.

An 11-hour course for two beginners would typically look something like the following:

Group course

We are ready to give you the best opportunities and optimal learning to become independent kitesurfers, regardless of the size and level of the group.  

If you have never tried kitesurfing before, you should choose a minimum of a 6-hour course, as this includes 2 hours of theory lessons, where you will learn about wind conditions and safety. Theory lessons are scheduled once a week on a weekday at Copenhagen Surfcenter and you choose which day it suits you to take your theory lessons.

A 6-hour kitesurfing course is suitable for those who want to try kitesurfing for the first time and get a feel for the sport. 

We recommend that you choose a 10 or 14 hour course, as you will get 8 or 12 hours on the water respectively. This way you get the best experience and start to kitesurfing. 

If you have tried kitesurfing before and just need a refresher on safety and how the equipment works after a longer break from the sport, you can choose a 4-hour course without theory lessons. However, if it has been a long time since you have kitesurfed, we recommend that you choose a 6-hour course with theory lessons so that you are completely ready to stand on your own two feet.

All kitesurfing courses include an online theory folder, a shared instructor per three students in the group and all the necessary equipment to ensure you are as well equipped as possible to become an independent kitesurfer. 

A 14 hour course also includes the Kitekollektiv t-shirt, an annual membership of Kitekollektivet and discounts on the purchase of kitesurfing equipment. Whether you choose an 8 or 11 hour kitesurfing course, you can get up to the full price of the course at a discount when buying equipment here. When purchasing the course, you will receive the discount code, which you can use to order equipment via the link.

A 14-hour course for a group of beginners would typically look something like the following: