Feel the fresh air, water & togetherness

Leasing of kite kits

Leasing at a fixed monthly price

We take care of the practicalities so you can get on the water quickly

Kitekollektivet now offers a leasing scheme. Leasing is for those of you who are looking to get on the water immediately after your course, but not ready to invest in your very own equipment. We can offer you the best equipment we have in the industry that you have already familiarized yourself with through your kitesurfing course with us. 

The leasing packages are therefore suitable for beginners while still being equipment that you can continue to develop on. The kite packages take into account that it should be as easy as possible to get started - without it being equipment that you grow out of, but can sail with for several years to come.

When you buy a leasing package, you also get a year's free membership at Kitekollektivet - our socially inclusive community that brings together kitesurfers on the beaches around Zealand.

Kitekollektivet fun on the water
Kiotekollektivet student

Put together your own package solution

About the equipment

We have chosen to put together a solution where you can freely choose between which kite size you want of our popular RS kite. CS+ Vary bar and pump are included in the basic package. In addition, you have the option to add Eleveight's Process kiteboard or more kites to your package. 

Eleveight RS V7 kite:
The RS kite is the most popular of Eleveight's kites as it can be used in many situations and disciplines. It is a good cross-over kite that you can both practice with as a brand new to the sport, but also when you need to learn to turn, jump and do tricks. Read more about the RS kite here

CS+ Vary bar:
The CS+ Vary bar is available in two sizes. It is very intuitive and easy to control. In addition, it comes with a simple safety system where you can easily click your chicken loop in place with one hand if you have released. Read more about the CS+ Vary bar here

Eleveight Process V7 twintip:
The Process board is Eleveight's most popular board. It is a super performance board that performs well in even difficult conditions with chop and waves as well as in light winds. It is a board that can be used to learn to kitesurf with as a beginner, but at the same time a good board when you need to learn to jump. Read more about the Process board here

Get a discount on longer leases

Packages and prices

Basic leasing package includes 1 kite in a size of your choice as well as pump and bar.
You can choose to add a twintip board and/or more kites to your package.

The leasing guidelines

Terms and conditions

Commitment period and termination:
There is a minimum commitment period of 12 months. This means that it is not possible to terminate the leasing contract within the first 12 months, as a minimum. You will always be able to extend your leasing contract.

You can choose from the following commitment options: 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 months. The longer the period you commit to, the cheaper your package will be per month. 

If you need to extend your leasing period, please contact us at kontakt@kitekollektivet.dk and we will find a solution.  

Modification of the leasing package:
It is possible to add equipment during your lease period. You can add equipment such as extra kites or a board with pads.

You can change the equipment in your package by contacting Kitekollektivet at contact@kitekollektivet.dk with your wishes. Once you have received a confirmation, you can then pick up your new equipment at Copenhagen Surfcenter at Kalvebodvej 250 in Dragør.

Settlement for new equipment is done on the spot and the new price for your leasing package will start from the moment you receive the equipment. Prices for additional equipment can be found above. 

A supplementary contract to the current lease agreement will then be drawn up describing your current leasing package.

Purchase of equipment:
If you have become super happy with the leased equipment and want to buy it free, please contact us at kontakt@kitekollektivet.dk and we will find a solution.

Return of equipment:
The leased equipment must be returned in substantially the same condition as it was issued. When leasing, a simple repair kit is included in the kit bag at no extra charge.

The presence of traces of wear and tear on the equipment after the leasing period is expected and accepted. However, it is not accepted if the value of the equipment has significantly deteriorated. If the equipment is returned with major damage or defects, the cost of repairs will be covered by the deposit.

One month before the deadline for returning the equipment, you will receive an email with information on when to return it. 

Return can only be made at Copenhagen Surfcenter at Kalvebodvej 250, 2791 Dragør during the surf center's opening hours.

Poorly maintained or lost equipment:
The leased equipment must be returned in substantially the same condition as when it was delivered. You are responsible for the equipment during your lease period in the event of an accident.

Once you have collected your leased equipment, Kitekollektiv's insurance will no longer cover the equipment.

You should therefore ensure that your own insurance covers any damage or theft. You are personally liable for the value of the equipment. Therefore, make sure you keep the equipment locked up when you are not using it - either at home or in your car - to ensure that you are covered by your home insurance and comprehensive insurance. 

When booking a leasing package, a deposit of 2500 kr and the first month's rent is payable.

Your rental period starts as soon as the deposit + first month's rent is paid and you will immediately afterwards be able to pick up your equipment at Copenhagen Surfcenter at Kalvebodvej 250, 2791 Dragør during the surf center's opening hours.

Non-payments are sent to debt collection and failure to return equipment is reported to the police

leasing of kite kits
leasing of kite kits kitekollektivet
Kitekollektivet leasing of kites