Strengthen the sense of community among pupils
School events
Give your students a different sports experience and a fun day on the water
With Kitekollektivet students can get the opportunity to try different water sports disciplines in a safe environment. We offer lessons in Stand Up Paddle (SUP), windsurfing and kitesurfing (note: only with trainer kites).
A day on the water can give students the opportunity to discover new aspects of themselves and each other that can strengthen class cohesion. Here, community, motivation, communication and cooperation skills can be strengthened as students are put to the test in new challenges.
What could a day with Kitekollektivet look like?
The lesson starts with a short introduction to the use and handling of equipment, safety, water and weather conditions. The students are guided in a light warm-up. Then we move as a group to the beach where the teaching takes place.
On the water, the students are introduced to water habituation, paddle and balance techniques, partner rescues, steering exercises, etc.
If you want to try out several water sports disciplines, it is possible to divide the students into smaller groups, which throughout the day switch between the disciplines.
It is also possible to create small challenges and competitions along the way, where the students either help each other to solve a challenge or compete against each other.
- We offer:
- All equipment included for the classes
- Trained and patient instructors
- Changing rooms, showers and toilets in our surf center
- Udendørs lounge, hvor I kan bestille mad og drikke.
- Tilkøb:
- Mad og drikkelse kan forudbestillet som pakkeløsning
- Don't forget to bring it with you:
- Swimwear to wear under your wetsuit
- Possible sun protection (hat, sunscreen)
- Conditions:
- Pupils must be at least 12 years old
- A teacher must be present at all times
- Prices:
- Kitesurfing max. 10 participants: 499,-/participant
- Windsurf max. 10 participants, 499,-/participant
- SUP max. 20 participants, 345,-/participant

A fun team building activity with colleagues
Company events
Have a different experience with your colleagues
With Kitekollektivet you can try out different water sports disciplines in a safe environment. We offer lessons in Stand Up Paddle (SUP), windsurfing and kitesurfing.
A day on the water can give you and your colleagues the opportunity to discover new aspects of yourselves and each other that can strengthen cohesion in the workplace. Community, motivation, communication and cooperation skills can be strengthened as you are put to the test in new challenges.
What could a day with Kitekollektivet look like?
Vi starter med en lille intro til brug og håndtering af udstyr, sikkerhed samt vand og vejrforhold. I guides i en let opvarmning. Derpå bevæger vi os i samlet flok ud på stranden, hvor undervisningen finder sted.
På vandet introduceres I blandt andet for vandtilvænning, padle- og balanceteknik, makkerredninger, styreøvelser, m.m.
Hvis I ønsker at afprøve flere vandsports-discipliner, så er det muligt at dele jer op i mindre grupper, som igennem dagen skifter mellem disciplinerne.
Det er også muligt at lave små udfordringer og konkurrencer undervejs, hvor I enten skal hjælpes ad for at løse en udfordring eller konkurrerer mod hinanden.
- We offer:
- All equipment included for the classes
- Trained and patient instructors
- Changing rooms, showers and toilets in our surf center
- Udendørs lounge, hvor I kan hvor i kan bestille mad og drikkelse
- Tilkøb:
- Mad og drikkelse kan forudbestilles som pakkeløsning
- Don't forget to bring it with you:
- Swimwear to wear under your wetsuit
- Possible sun protection (hat, sunscreen)
- Conditions:
- Duration of minimum 3 hours
- Contact us to make an appointment that suits you
- Prices:
- Kitesurfing max. 10 participants: 499,-/participant
- Windsurf max. 10 participants, 499,-/participant
- SUP max. 20 participants, 345,-/participant

The perfect warm-up for the party
Stag night
Have a fun experience on the water
Vi lægger stort vægt på, at I skal have det sjovt og få en masse gode minder og historier med fra vores polter-events, som ryster jer sammen inden brylluppet. Vælg i ml, Windsurf eller SUP (stand up paddle)
Begge dele er en god og sjov måde at lære de andre bryllupsgæster at kende på.
I bestemmer, om den skal stå på Windsurf, SUP race, SUP stafet eller SUP yoga. Alle kan være med og man behøver ikke at have prøvet det før.
What could a polter event with Kitekollektivet look like?
Vi mødes til den aftalte tid ved København Surfcenter på Kalvebodvej 250 i Dragør. Her vil I få briefing om dagens aktivitet og efterfølgende mulighed for at klæde om. Mens vi er på vandet, kan I trygt efterlade jeres ting i surfcentret.
Alt efter hvilken aktivitet I har valgt vil vores instruktør tage jer med til vandet, hvor vi har 1-2 timer sammen. Herefter går turen tilbage til surfcentret, hvor I kan tage bad og klæde om.
I kan slutte af med mad og drikke i vores lounge, inden I suser videre mod næste aktivitet.
It is NOT allowed to consume alcohol before water sports activities - but you are welcome to party afterwards! Kitekollektivet reserves the right to refuse intoxicated persons.
All our instructors are certified and trained under the Danish Sailing Union. This ensures both good events and high safety on the water.
Moreover, all activity takes place in shallow water.
Fortunately, it is rare that we have had to cancel an event due to bad weather conditions. Rainy weather is not an obstacle to go on the water (we get wet anyway), but for safety reasons we cancel in case of very strong winds, lightning and thunder. In the event that Kitekollektivet cancels due to unreasonable weather conditions, the payment will of course be refunded.
- We offer:
- All equipment included for the classes
- Trained and patient instructors
- Changing rooms, showers and toilets in our surf center
- Udendørs lounge, hvor I kan bestille mad og drikkelse
- Tilkøb:
Mad og drikkelse kan forudbestilles som pakke løsning
- Don't forget to bring it with you:
- Swimwear to wear under your wetsuit
- Possible sun protection (hat, sunscreen)
- Conditions:
- You can choose between 2 or 3 hours (1 and 2 hours on the water)
- There is room for a maximum of 20 participants
Prices from 299 DKK per participant