By kitesurfers, for kitesurfers
Wingsurfing at Kitekollektivet
Welcome to our wing surfing page. Here you will find all our different course offers, booking and FAQ.
Have you already tried water sports disciplines such as kite or windsurfing, but are ready to try something new? Then wing surfing might be your next challenge. At Kitekollektivet you can book a course for the level that suits you.
Wing surfing at Sydvestpynten in Copenhagen takes place on flat water with a sandy bottom where you can bottom anywhere. This gives you the best conditions to get started quickly and safely with the sport.
At Kitekollektivet you can choose between two types of wing surfing course - private and class.
Til dig der gerne vil i gang
Wingsurfing begynderkursus
På dette kursus lærer du den grundlæggende praktik og teori i wingsurfing. Kurset kan ses som forberedelse til næste step, som er at skulle mestre at svæve over vandet med foil under wingboardet. Efter en tørsession (ca. 40 minutter), hvor du lærer wingen at kende, kommer du ellers direkte på vandet. Det maksimale antal deltagere er 6 elever pr. instruktør. Hver Kursist får sit eget wingsurf sæt lige fra starten, så hurtige fremskridt er garanteret!
Dette kursus henvender sig til alle, der er interesseret i wingfoiling og har ringe eller ingen erfaring inde for foiling. Efter disse 6 timer er du godt klædt på til at gøre hurtige fremskridt på wingfoilboardet og kan booke vores 3-timers wingfoil fortsætterkursus, som handler om at winge med foil under boardet. Wingsurfing begynder kurset er selvfølgelig også for alle, der bare vil hygge med wingen på et windsurfboard, SUP-board eller lignende.
Joint instructor
All equipment included
100% wind guarantee
1 lesson of 3 hours
Price per person DKK 699,-
Til dig der vil blive bedre
Wingsurfing fortsætterkursus
Dette kursus henvender sig til alle begyndere, der allerede har haft deres første timer på vandet med wing og nu er ivrige efter at svæve de første meter over vandet med en foil under boardet. Wingfoiling er for mange en ny vandsport og derfor har vi valgt at et fortsætterkursus skal foregå i små grupper af 3 (max. 3 kursister pr. instruktør). Et tæt læringsmiljø sikrer massere af succesoplevelser i løbet af sessionens 2 – 3 timer.
Til en wingfoil fortsætterkursus får hver kursist sit eget wingfoil sæt at øve sig med, så hurtige fremskridt og sjove timer på vandet er garanteret!
Joint instructor
All equipment included
100% wind guarantee
1 lesson of 3 hours
Pris pr. person DKK 999,-
Til dig der ønsker mere undervisning
Wingsurfing privatundervisning
Få din egen instruktør, der underviser dig i netop det du har behov for. Privatundervisning er lavet til 1 person for at sikre at den individuelle instruktion er i top. Dette kursus henvender sig til alle, der allerede har haft deres første wing oplevelse (fx. på vores begynderkursus) og nu er ivrig efter at svæve de første meter over vandet.
Fra kursets start får du udleveret dit eget wingsurf/foil sæt at øve dig på, så hurtige fremskridt på vandet er garanteret.
Own instructor
All equipment included
100% wind guarantee
4 lessons of 3 hours each
Pris pr. person DKK 1299,-
Hire of wingsurfing equipment
Rental services
At Kitekollektivet you can also rent wing surf equipment if you have had an intro course with us or another provider and are familiar with the sport.
All equipment can only be rented at the Surf Center at Kalvebodvej 250, 2791 Dragør.
Terms and conditions
Rental equipment must be picked up and returned within the Surf Center's opening hours. The equipment must be returned dry and cleaned, if this is not the case, a service fee of DKK 150 will be charged.
Daily rental is valid for 24 hours. This means that if you rent the equipment on Wednesday at 16:00, it must be returned no later than Thursday at 16:00. Late returns will be invoiced for an extra day.
When renting equipment, you must submit/show photo identification and pay a deposit of DKK 1500.
Wing + beginner board (excl. foil) - 1 day 600,-
Wing + beginner board (excl. foil) - 1 week 2100,-
Wing - 1 day 400,-
Wing - 1 week 1400,-
Foil (incl. board 125Ltr) - 1 day 700,-
Foil (incl. board 125Ltr) - 1 week 2100,-
Wing + foil (incl. board 125Ltr) - 1 day 900,-
Wing + foil (incl. board 125Ltr) - 1 week 2700,-
Don't skimp on equipment
Shop at Kitekollektivet
Kitekollektivet and have joined forces to offer all the best of kite-, wind- and wing surfing as well as SUP. Therefore, you will find lots of quality equipment on both the webshop and in our physical store in the Surfcenter.
We offer a service where it is possible for you to test different products on the water before deciding which kite equipment suits you best.
So if you are looking for new kite, wind or wing equipment such as kite, sail, board, twintip, neoprene gloves, neoprene wetsuit, neoprene shoes, trapeze etc. please contact us.
Our shop
You will find our shop at the Surfcenter at Kalvebodvej 250, 2791 Dragør.
Here you have the opportunity to try the equipment directly before you decide.
Find the equipment you need and have it shipped directly to your home or to your nearest PO box.
Learn more about Wingsurfing at Kitekollektivet
Kitekollektivet and our courses are for anyone who wants to wing surf.
To participate in our team courses, you must be at least 12 years old and be able to swim 200 meters with a life jacket on.
We do not have an ambition to handle as many students as possible, but to teach everyone in our collective to wing surf safely and with maximum pleasure. Common to the courses is the ambition that everyone has a skilled starting point to stand on their own after completing both beginner and advanced courses.
In Kitekollektivet we offer intro, beginner and advanced courses in wing surfing.
Intro: The Intro course is for those who just want to try wing before deciding which course to take.
Beginner: The beginner course is for those who have never tried wing surfing before or have tried it a few times. Here you will learn how to control a wing, but without using a foilboard.
Advanced: The advanced course is for those who already know how to wing surf or have completed our beginner course. On this course you get both wing and foilboard on the water and therefore have the opportunity to get the full experience with wing foil.
When you are on a course at Kitekollektivet, our insurance covers third parties in case you are unfortunate enough to hit others with the equipment.
Unfortunately, our insurance does not cover you and it is therefore important that you check if you have an insurance that covers you in case of injury/accident. We are very safety conscious, but recommend that you check with your insurance before you go on a course.
In wing surfing you are dependent on the wind and therefore Kitekollektivet always gives a wind guarantee. This means that should the wind fail or be too strong on the agreed day, we will agree on a new date as soon as possible where your course will be held.
We teach wing surfing at Sydvestpynten in Dragør, Copenhagen.
The only thing you need to bring on our courses is a swimsuit & towel and clothes suitable for the weather conditions, as we start on land. In addition, we recommend that you bring some snacks and drinks and possibly sunscreen on hot days.
There are changing rooms, showers and toilets at the Surf Center.
You must provide your own transportation to our Surfcenter. All wing surf lessons take place at Sydvestpynten close to the Surfcenter, where there is both good parking conditions and you can easily take the bus to.
Our good cooperation with means that we can offer good prices and offers to all our members. Write an email to with your needs.
Choose a course that suits you
Wingsurf courses
The beginner course is for those who have never tried wing surfing before or have tried it a few times. Here you will learn how to control a wing, but without using a foilboard.
Are there several of you who would like to try it together? Great! You can be up to 3 people. The number of people is chosen when booking.
All equipment is included in the course.
- You will learn how to:
- Wingsurfing ahead
- Steer and turn in a controlled way
- Rig your equipment to
Price per person DKK 1195,-
One lesson of 2 hours
The advanced course is for those who already know how to wingsurf or have completed our beginner course. On this course you get both wing and foilboard on the water and therefore have the opportunity to get the full experience with wing foil.
Are there several of you who would like to try it together? Great! You can be up to 3 people. The number of people is chosen when booking.
All equipment is included in the course.
- You will learn how to:
- Getting on the foil board
- Trim your foil-board
- Rig your foil board to
Price per person DKK 761,-
One lesson of 2 hours