Copenhagen sport Adventures ApS

Cookie and privacy policy


Effektiv dato: 24. november 2023
Senest opdateret: 12. april 2024

Hvad er cookies?
Hvordan bruger vi cookies?
De typer af cookies, vi bruger
Administrer cookiepræferencer

Du kan ændre dine cookiepræferencer når som helst ved at klikke på knappen ovenfor. Dette vil lade dig genbesøge cookie-samtykkebanneret og ændre dine præferencer eller trække dit samtykke tilbage med det samme.

Udover dette giver forskellige browsere forskellige metoder til at blokere og slette cookies, der bruges af websites. Du kan ændre indstillingerne i din browser for at blokere/slette cookies. Nedenfor er links til supportdokumenterne om, hvordan du administrerer og sletter cookies fra de største webbrowsere.




Internet Explorer:

Hvis du bruger en anden webbrowser, skal du besøge din browsers officielle supportdokumenter.



When you visit our website, information about you is collected, which is used to personalize and improve our content and to increase the value of the ads displayed on the site. If you do not want information to be collected, you should delete your cookies (see instructions) and refrain from further use of the website. Below we have elaborated on what information is collected, its purpose and which third parties have access to it.


The website uses "cookies", which is a text file that is stored on your computer, mobile phone or similar for the purpose of recognizing it, remembering settings, performing statistics and targeting ads. Cookies cannot contain malicious code such as viruses.

It is possible to delete or block cookies. See instructions:

If you delete or block cookies, ads may become less relevant to you and appear more frequently. You may also risk that the website does not function optimally and that there is content you cannot access.

Below is a list of the cookies our website uses.

Photo and video material

When registering for our services, please note that video and photo material made during training may be used in connection with future campaigns and visual information related to kitekollektivet I/S or domains below. If you as a participant, or parents of a participant, do not wish to participate, please send a statement to this effect no later than 14 days before the start of the course to Contact@kitekollektivet

Personal data

In general

Personal data is any kind of information that can be attributed to you to some extent. When you use our website, we collect and process a range of such information. This happens, for example, when you access content, sign up for our newsletter, participate in competitions or surveys, register as a user or subscriber, use other services or make purchases via the website.

We typically collect and process the following types of information: A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP number, geographical location and which pages you click on (interests). To the extent that you explicitly consent to this and enter the information yourself, the following information is also processed Name, telephone number, e-mail, address and payment information. This will typically be in connection with the creation of a login or when making a purchase.

By consent, permission is given for Kitekollektivet I/S to publish portrait photos, video recordings and personal data on the following media:

- On the website
- Digital marketing material
- Printed marketing material
- Information material

Our use of images, video recordings and personal information will be done in a sensitive manner, so that no one will feel exposed, exploited or offended, and the images/recordings will be harmless. Should we nevertheless use a picture/recording of you in a way that you find offensive or similar, please contact us at, and we will remove the picture/recording of you as soon as possible.

Safety and security

We process your personal data securely and confidentially in accordance with applicable legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act. Your data will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected and will be deleted when that purpose is fulfilled or no longer relevant.

We have taken technical and organizational measures to prevent your data from being accidentally or illegally deleted, published, lost, impaired or disclosed to unauthorized persons, misused or otherwise processed in violation of the law.

Purpose and objectives

The information is used to identify you as a user and show you the ads that are most likely to be relevant to you, to register your purchases and payments, and to provide the services you have requested, such as sending a newsletter. In addition, we use the information to optimize our services and content.

Period of storage

The data is kept for the period allowed by law and we delete it when it is no longer needed. The period depends on the nature of the information and the reason for storing it. It is therefore not possible to give a general timeframe for when information is deleted.

Disclosure of information

Data about your use of the website, which ads you receive and possibly click on, geographical location, gender and age segment, etc. are disclosed to third parties to the extent that this information is known. You can see which third parties are involved in the section on "Cookies" above. The information is used to target advertising.

We also use a number of third parties to store and process data. These third parties process data solely on our behalf and are not allowed to use it for their own purposes.

Disclosure of personal data such as name and email etc. will only take place if you consent to it. We only use data processors in the EU or in countries that can provide adequate protection for your data.

Insight and complaints

You have the right to receive the personal data we process about you in a commonly used format (data portability). You can also object to the use of data at any time. You can also withdraw your consent to the processing of your data. If the data processed about you is incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected or deleted. Inquiries about this can be made to: If you wish to complain about our processing of your personal data, you also have the option of contacting the Danish Data Protection Agency. If you no longer wish us to process your personal data or to restrict the processing of your personal data, you can also send us a request to that effect to the above-mentioned e-mail address.

The publisher

The website is owned and published by

Copenhagen sport Adventures ApS
Vierdiget 140, 2791 Dragør
CVR: 43148699
Phone: +45 38429998

Personal data is all kinds of information that to some extent can be attributed to you. When you use our website, we collect and process a range of such information. This happens, for example, when you access content, sign up for our newsletter, participate in competitions or surveys, register as a user or subscriber, use other services or make purchases via the website.

We typically collect and process the following types of information: A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP number, geographical location and which pages you click on (interests). To the extent that you explicitly consent to this and enter the information yourself, the following information is also processed Name, telephone number, e-mail, address and payment information. This will typically be in connection with the creation of a login or when making a purchase.

Personal data is all kinds of information that can be attributed to you to some extent. When you use our website, we collect and process a range of such information. This happens, for example, when you access content, sign up for our newsletter, participate in competitions or surveys, register as a user or subscriber, use other services or make purchases via the website.

We typically collect and process the following types of information: A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP number, geographical location and which pages you click on (interests). To the extent that you explicitly consent to this and enter the information yourself, the following information is also processed Name, telephone number, e-mail, address and payment information. This will typically be in connection with the creation of a login or when making a purchase.

Last updated February 2023