Kitesurfing on Amager

Piger-kursister hygger på stranden

Are you going kitesurfing on Amager? Here's a complete guide to your next kitesurfing session on the water .

Amager is the perfect place for kitesurfing with spots for the beginner and the experienced kitesurfer.

We have gathered everything you need to know to get the best experience on the water when you want to kitesurf in Amager.

In this guide we will cover the most popular kitesurfing spots in Copenhagen, effective techniques, as well as important safety rules and recommendations. 

The Best Kitesurfing Spots on Amager

  1. Sydvestpynten: Sydvestpynten på Amager er et paradis for kitesurfere, især dem der er nye på vandet. Dette magiske spot er indbegrebet af kitesurfing på Amager, og det er let at forstå hvorfor. Med sit rolige og lave vand, beskyttet af en naturlig lagune, er Sydvestpynten det ideelle sted for begyndere at lære sporten i sikre omgivelser.

    Det klare vand og den jævne stabile vind gør det til en drøm at kitesurfe her. Du vil finde en venlig og støttende atmosfære, hvor erfarne kitesurfere ofte deler deres tips og tricks med de nye ansigter. Samtidig sikrer det lave vand, at eventuelle fejl ikke får alvorlige konsekvenser, hvilket giver nybegyndere mulighed for at øve og forbedre deres færdigheder i et trygt miljø.

    Det er ikke kun begyndere, der nyder Sydvestpynten. Også mere erfarne kitesurfere flokkes her for at nyde de perfekte forhold og det afslappede miljø. Med Kitesurf Amager som nøgleord er Sydvestpynten et must-visit sted for enhver, der ønsker at opleve den bedste kitesurfing, som Danmark har at byde på.

  2. Amager Strandpark: Amager strandpark er et andet fantastisk kitespot når du har lært at sejle. Er ikke så begynder venligt da det er dypt vand.
    Beliggende i nærheden af Københavns centrum, er Amager Strandpark en af de mest populære kitesurfing spots i byen. Spottet virker i østvind.

Get started kitesurfing on Amager with a beginner kitesurfing course

Sådan kommer du i gang med kitesurf amager er det perfekte begynder spot.

  1. Take a course or a lesson: That's the absulute most important thing! Taking a course or lesson from a certified kitesurfing school in Copenhagen is a must. This will help you learn the basic skills, techniques and safety measures necessary to enjoy the sport safely and responsibly. Kitekollektivet in Copenhagen has several types of kitesurfing courses to help beginners get started with the sport.

  2. Understand the conditions at a kitesurfing spot: As a beginner, it's important to practice in conditions suitable for your experience level. Flat water areas and stable wind conditions are ideal for beginners. The two most popular kitesurfing spots on Amager for beginners are Amager Strandpark and the southwest point.

  3. Learn safety procedures: Before you start kitesurfing, it is important to learn the basic safety procedures and rules. This includes the proper use of safety equipment such as helmet, life jacket and kite leash, as well as how to deal with emergencies on the water.

  4. Choose the right equipment: The first step to getting started with kitesurfing is to choose the right equipment. It is recommended to start with a smaller kite and a bigger board, which will help you learn the basic skills faster and safer.

    Visit with shop sydvestpynten on Amager to get advice and guidance on what best suits your size and weight.

Sikkerhed og regler for kitesurf på Amager: Hvad du skal vide

Safety is essential for a good kitesurfing experience. Here are some important safety rules and tips to be aware of when kitesurfing in Amager:

  1. Always wear safety equipment: When kitesurfing, always wear a helmet, life jacket and a kite leash. These measures are essential to protect yourself and other water sports enthusiasts.

  2. Know and respect local rules: Each kitesurfing spot in Copenhagen has its own rules and guidelines. Make sure you learn these before you hit the water and respect other users of the area.
    The spots have several unwritten rules (e.g. where beginners hang out) that are best learned by asking a local kitesurfer on the beach. 

Two men kite surfing on the beach at Amager.

Where to drink your coffee after kitesurfing on Amager?

After a great day of kitesurfing in Amager, you need to relax and enjoy a well-deserved cup of coffee and maybe some delicious meals.

Copenhagen's surf center is the perfect place to visit where you can drink your coffee, talk about the new tricks you've learned on the water and meet other like-minded surfing enthusiasts.

The Copenhagen Surf Center is not only a place to drink coffee, but also a meeting place for people who love water sports. Here you can exchange experiences and stories with other kitesurfers, and maybe even learn new techniques and methods from the more experienced ones.

A visit to the Copenhagen Surf Center is also an excellent opportunity to get advice on and buy kitesurfing equipment.

We have a wide range of kitesurfing equipment for all levels and we are always ready to help you find the right equipment to suit your needs and skills.

This makes it easier for you to make the right choices and get the most out of your kitesurfing experience in Amager.

You can book a kitesurfing course on Amager at Kitekollektivet, where you will learn everything you need to become an independent kitesurfer. 

Book your course here on this link 
